The Role of Dermatologists in Squamous Cell Carcinoma Care

The Role of Dermatologists in Squamous Cell Carcinoma Care

When it comes to skin health, dermatologists are the leading experts. These medical professionals focus on the skin and can treat, manage, and monitor a huge range of conditions. From acne to cancer, dermatologists are ready to help. If you live in or near Kissimmee and Ocoee, FL, and need assistance with Squamous Cell Carcinoma, contact Dr. Clifford Lober, a leading dermatologist.

Understanding the risks of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Spreading

 Squamous Cell Carcinoma is a common type of cancer, but thankfully, is typically not life-threatening. That said, if you or a loved one believe you are experiencing this cancer, it is crucial to work with medical experts. The condition should be monitored, managed, and treated. Squamous Cell Carcinoma rarely metastasizes, meaning it doesn’t usually spread to other parts of the body. However, there is still a risk that it could spread, including to internal organs and lymph nodes.

One of the most important roles a dermatologist can play is monitoring for the spread of Squamous Cell Carcinoma. If there is evidence that cancer is spreading, it’s crucial to act quickly. Early intervention can save lives. Fortunately, residents of greater Kissimmee and Ocoee, FL, who are worried about Squamous Cell Carcinoma can contact Dr. Lober.

Treating Squamous Cell Carcinoma

 There are a few different approaches to treating Squamous Cell Carcinoma. It’s common to use surgery to simply remove cancerous tissues. Depending on the specifics, a dermatologist might use curettage and electrodesiccation, shave excision, Mohs surgery, or another technique.

Radiation therapy is another option and is typically used for larger cancerous areas. Sometimes, radiation therapy is deployed alongside surgery to make it less likely that cancerous cells slip past. Cryotherapy may also work for small growths in the early stages. It can be effective on harder-to-treat areas of the body like the nose and eyelids.

Preventing Squamous Cell Carcinoma

 Besides treating Squamous Cell Carcinoma, a dermatologist can also provide advice for reducing the risk that you’ll suffer from skin cancer. Using strong sunscreen, limiting exposure to the sun (especially during peak hours), and understanding risk factors (such as family history) are all helpful. A dermatologist can help you avoid not just Squamous Cell Carcinoma, but other types of skin cancer as well.

It's important to monitor for skin cancer. You should check yourself over at least once a month. A dermatologist can help you understand what to watch for, such as the appearance of new mole-like marks that are uneven in shape or seem to change over time.

If you reside in or near Kissimmee and Ocoee, FL, and think you might have Squamous Cell Carcinoma or another type of skin cancer, get in touch with Dr. Lober at the numbers below.

Kissimmee: (407) 846 7166

Ocoee: (407) 656 9700

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