How to Prepare for Your Melanoma Treatment Appointment

How to Prepare for Your Melanoma Treatment Appointment

Are you worried that your spot is cancerous? Partner with Dr. Clifford Lober, a highly experienced dermatological doctor, to ensure you receive the best melanoma treatment in Kissimmee and Ocoee, FL.

What Is Melanoma?

 Compared to other forms of skin cancer, melanomas are relatively uncommon. Despite that fact, the National Cancer Institute still notes that melanomas are responsible for the most deaths related to skin cancer. You cannot afford to underestimate the threat presented by melanomas. Learning more about them can also help you avoid potentially life-threatening complications.

First off, you should know that melanomas are byproducts of melanocytes not working as intended. Instead of producing melanin like they’re supposed to, problematic melanocytes focus more on replication. Eventually, the excessive production of those cells can lead to the formation of tumors and the destruction of tissues.

Several factors can contribute to the formation of melanomas, including skin damage caused by the sun, genetics, and a compromised immune system. You may also be at greater risk for melanoma if you live in an elevated area that gets plenty of sunshine.

Melanoma symptoms may include changes to existing moles or the emergence of new growths. Cancerous moles may feature unusual colors, shapes, sizes, and borders. 

You should also consult a dermatologist in Kissimmee and Ocoee, FL if a portion of the new or altered mole is changed. The new or altered growths may also bleed when you scratch them.

How Should You Prepare for Melanoma Treatment?

 Consult a dermatologist as soon as possible if you spot a suspicious mole or growth on your skin. Of course, simply booking the appointment will not suffice, as you need to prepare for it.

Begin your preparations by updating your medical history. Note any conditions you are currently dealing with and other significant injuries or illnesses you had in the past. Don’t forget to list any medications you are taking. You should also check in with your relatives to confirm if your family has a history of melanomas.

Photos of suspicious moles and growths can also help with the diagnostic process. Ideally, it would help if you had another person capture the photos so the moles and growths can be presented clearly and accurately. Send those photos to your dermatologist so they have more information to work with during your appointment.

Carving out time in your schedule for an in-person appointment may also be necessary. Your dermatologist may request an in-person appointment so they can conduct a physical exam.

It Starts With an Exam

 Learn more about your potential melanoma by consulting Dr. Lober for your personalized melanoma treatment plan. Call his Kissimmee, FL, office at (407) 846-7166 and the Ocoee, FL office, at (407) 656-9700, FL, for a consultation today. 

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